Speaking Fairhills coStudents that I was in physics I think with that would joke G B though yeah it was think 99?or2000 lan or internet almost got to play match round of Commander Conquer RedAlert though not sure though that Nick one N D'Adimo sorry for incorrect spelling and not sure I've Glen?Glenn'$ last name began with a B ??? Not sure I though they were either jokeing in code or speaking about nonVektd Japanese Maplesz!!!!
The fact may be that the cell it's self may not actually do that amitate or whatever the word is to self replicate though my idea and thought was that the cell hyjacks another ?cell with a macro?something?neucei and the microGenderEquivalents transfer?transist?convert the hyjacktdd cell whilst hyjacking like priests in age of empires converting villiages so to answer my question about when a paraWhateverItwas called cium cell duplicates or sorry breeds?increases I'm number they the cell may require other cells to root/hyjacking their macroneuclei as it may not be split ? Who knows?/z I didn't go to uni. And I need to add that the unluckyness of the current(?2023&24)Logo for Melbourne Uni with the unholy angel pouring with the badLuck wreath on to the southern Cross the other morning or when I last woke up and was having my wake up ciggy($ and v I thought that word "blight" and it is defineately an example sample of that being the melbourne uni logo with the u...
I got with me a dual v box crate packageing travel stackable box thing with a ziplock with some bare min count of JPS red ciggy$?/z even though I'm unsure what brand varient gets smokedd. Forgetting Chris's bday promptedd me to show some tribute as even though I bail from conversation I need a girlfriend and I still care hence this tribute for you "men' that fosteredd me and Sarah over a decade ago though yeah now artiveing arriveing to Nunawading Station thank you Bek and her mum and sorry to her dad ANOUGH OF ME DANIEL D ! ! ! OCD'd TiME STAMP: 4:36pm Saturday February 10th 2024 D A N D E
It was just 9 0 5 (pm) I hope she's alive and didn't die because I didn't get a goodbye. I was ment to type I feel like I'm gonna cry because she didn't say goodbye. Anyhow defruitedd the post oh well George Orwell me a nu June Jew not unwell
Speaking Fairhills coStudents that I was in physics I think with that would joke G B though yeah it was think 99?or2000 lan or internet almost got to play match round of Commander Conquer RedAlert though not sure though that Nick one N D'Adimo sorry for incorrect spelling and not sure I've Glen?Glenn'$ last name began with a B ??? Not sure I though they were either jokeing in code or speaking about nonVektd Japanese Maplesz!!!!