
 Agent28 was coinedd in I think 2016?or2018?2017 and covid-19 startedd being sharedd on the news in 2020 after opal or the toilet paper rolls factory holding out and restricting despatch of all toilet rolls in order to raise the was retail 20cent/30cents to nearer 50cent$ per roll and now with 32 packs being just under $18 the further b$ is this so calledd "compressed" rolls that state same length same count of sheets just the quality thickness of 3ply is now 2ply of old and 2ply like 1&ahalf ply so yeah anything to aquire another dollar from us the apparently protecting community. Anyhow b$ and now @Heatherdale station I gotta leave Ringwood before 859pm !858pm in order to make this last bus up the hill..


8:52/53pm Tuesday January 23rd 2024


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