
Showing posts from January, 2024





2o5am upset pigmy won't play with me 😫


911pm contact me when able

 SOS Group Limitedd

Met a person namedd J

 B4 the 688 bus the 816pm 1... Wednesday January 24th 2024  Don't know why posting this I just feel like a dog sorta not inviteing sorta similar to with Liam not u leepee another one Richards mate anyhow here waiting on SOS Group Limitedd OCD'd TiME STAMP: 8:56pm Wednesday January 24th 2024


 These was 24 block bricks rectanglish & square gold melts that I won on eBay from Israel that had Israeli shekles and Turkish liras stamps on the package parcel and aside me thinking they made Sarah sick and run down after moving them or like when I tried stashing them in a dead tree stump the radiance of ulgly?bad feeling yuckness tangibly is reason I had to halves the lot and unsure of remaining count as I think at least one was theftedd and someone or I doubt the radiance changed the paper slips in each ziplock bag each gold melt block is was in'$ numbers that indicated it's gram weight and I thought the amounts were written in grey lead or red ink though they became the other way around seeing iv I would notice though yeah aside the fact how right now or recently on live gold price on the internet said a gram of gold (pure?24kt) is $100 so these pieces are all approx sixty grams each with one or two varieing fairly different from that average being the goldsilverSlick ...

Msg I sent my brothers 20240124

 5.2%pa approx = $1 per week per $1000 6%pa approx = $5 per month per $1000 6.5%pa approx = $5 per fortnight per $2000 ? 3.9%pa approx = $3 per fortnight per $2000 1.3%pa approx = $1 per fortnight per $2000 What's your mortgage'$ ?%pa? Mort=Death&Gauge~meterLikePowerBox kWh meter or water meter, ? Measureably accumilationOfAdditive$ anyhow let me know please thankyou


 ! As long as this train doesn't idle any track section/segment I may make the last 915pm leaves the station bus up the hill.. Hope to God I don't have to walk !!! OCD'd TiME STAMP: 1min till 900pm so yes 8:59pm Tuesday January 23rd 2024 D A N D E 

$2,087.00c AUD transfer so = the full $21k pledge for my exLoverGirlfriendNowMrsBailey circa 2015/2016

Revealations 20 and 24

 The year 2024 hopefully is a good one without any fear..


 Agent28 was coinedd in I think 2016?or2018?2017 and covid-19 startedd being sharedd on the news in 2020 after opal or the toilet paper rolls factory holding out and restricting despatch of all toilet rolls in order to raise the was retail 20cent/30cents to nearer 50cent$ per roll and now with 32 packs being just under $18 the further b$ is this so calledd "compressed" rolls that state same length same count of sheets just the quality thickness of 3ply is now 2ply of old and 2ply like 1&ahalf ply so yeah anything to aquire another dollar from us the apparently protecting community. Anyhow b$ and now @Heatherdale station I gotta leave Ringwood before 859pm !858pm in order to make this last bus up the hill.. OCD'd TiME STAMP: 8:52/53pm Tuesday January 23rd 2024


 ...just had the thought before now leaving Onion Station that I think there is a finite count of various sizedd paintFiLes for the years 2018&2017 as then was before start of 2019.$ when I decidedd or relizedd how I neededd the paintFiLEs properties/measurements to be six inch four inch that in pixels is 576 & 384?????? Anyway also when designing to print such paintFiLEs prints is the need to allow for a 1cm "play" border for the defruitedd of the printing machine and software anyhow still good last I checktd hope wesfarmers ownedd subsidery still offers ten cent colour six by four inch prints as long as next day pickup otherwise I think it is 15cent for hour wait prints photos and twenty or 25cent$ for instant no wait onesz though yeah going threw that what I once coinedd/ said /calledd "ColourCanyon" and now at the corodinatedd train whole car carriage graph crew hit some ?year plus ago that was on the news or internet some "53G" or something an...


 On the train from the city praying I get to the bus stop before the last bus leaves to go up the hill even iv I do still for selfish reasons have the goal of ten unassistedd missions on foot up the hill station to verandah and so far I've only done like five unassistedd or min 4 though still got max six or just five more missions walks on foot to do the tourist Rd anyhow was gracedd twice by Sam R97?98?97? When he was driving home from work though yeah these ten times goal idea is due to idea of alternative atonement for tithesic son of hooking up with Laura H when I didn't know James M was dateing her and I wrecked their relationship due to such and even though he later paid me near a hundred dollars to work with him at his dad's property that one day I was hopeless and he said something to same sound of such and addedd how this disabledd hopelessness is or must be how me and Laura happenedd though yeah this is a fair few years ago like 18?17?near though less then twenty ...

I got my MEL(issa tattoo @ 16years11month$ circa 2012


 An idea to seed a canvass think " 15 " and the letter(vowel) O and then the integeredd relatedd A and E and then think cancer symbol yingyangs 68 and yeah.. OCD'd TiME STAMP: 8:26pm Tuesday January 23rd 2024


 Zeni Sanela Kimberley Jwingforce Brother once after mum repaid The Army&Glenfiditch744 The 66 household & jh communion1 That Nicole  Raen Tim Pr Dave Ra&dilsilll SaraS1 Then heapsz involveesz interest cig$ OCD'd TiME STAMP: 8:23pm Tuesday January 23rd 2024


 What ?.??%p/a your mortgage so I may invest in such???

cliche material

 It was just 9 0 5 (pm) I hope she's alive and didn't die because I didn't get a goodbye. I was ment to type I feel like I'm gonna cry because she didn't say goodbye. Anyhow defruitedd the post oh well George Orwell me a nu June Jew not unwell

is Jordene dead ?

 May someone tell me iv Jordene is alive or not even iv she still hates me. I'm sorry Sarah though I was/am still her friend even iv she ditchedd. Anyway I got that stupid Delilah song in my head it's maggottedd. I need a girlfriend & iv not beautiful one with sentiment. Someone get her to contact me and hopefully Sarah is still with Tommy. OCD'd TiME STAMP: 9:0&pm Friday 2024 01 19 $ $$$ $$$$$
 501pm @FlindersStStation basically , now on the concourse gotta catch this belly train it's now 503pm and yeah leaves?z in six minutes?/z|I was ment to go to GlassGranny&Pop’$ to at least pay another $6 (better$56) towards their owed debt ledger ReGiftment, an amount they giftedd me with presents worth AUD and that calculator used to bring closer to the true inflatedd amount being the total reGiftment neededd in order to remove another debt that others/z in paranoid connecting Google's different definition that is completely incorrect to that I term this thought hadn't been yet namedd accounting financial,... Just yeah iv someone gives you a $100 present (for free!) You owe them a $100 worth of reGiftment(!!!to the person who giftedd you!!!) and iv the years?/z go past u need to inflate it at least to the previous financial year trailing useing the inflation calculator though yeah anyway it's in order to respect and honour-out leverage vice$ a...



  ∞ esoteric please not wrong halo....

Freemasonry VictoriA Belgrave Lodge 2009 BRAEDALE $230.00c AUD MEMBERSHiP FEE & ??? DANDE

  The number 7 and the letter G hanging in the center of the courtroom like meeting room where the basic starting off ashlar at one end of the open room floor in a stand and on the other side of the room another stand with box with inside it the chiseledd more fancy ashlar signifying and symbolizeing progression and degree anyhow thoughts back then about the central "G" was the thinking it ment a G a gram and mix (cannibisMull that was still at the time central of/in my diet...and other people nearly everyone I chilled with as I'm still sorta dislocatedd from my immediate family and relativesz I'm on the city swanston street tram I best boot off this phone been in this post or since last one is / was 449pm and I'm hearing !Dan, you're unwell,. That = to me a threat and either of unNuJew&orJuneKey2ndClassing&or just (modern)witchcraft"boxing" full badhood b$.... Anyway, Dan.... OCD'd TiME STAMP: 4:51pm Wednesday202401...

\ the sixth post 440pm Wednesday202401171640///


plead the fifth ~ aghostquote1

 I may have to type up another .text file of this explainedd as a courtroom defence even though my nulledd nonxzystant wit and memory ..don't serve me in times of need like police interview when caught smoking a bong whilst driving with Sarah steering from the passenger seat and forgetting to answer to the question "what's this unknown other chemical substance in your system!?" And I repliedd "should of known better" and watching me (later on months later or days hours later) me say that on the DVD video CD thing thinking how I should of just told them (and be able to fully prove this also!) That I was(and still am!) On psych medication.


 423pm in the city..
  Less than ten mins nine minutes till 3pm Wednesday 2024 01 10 @ the BOZ LiBRARY!!!! i actually postedd this post firstly at 2:55pm and then now edit/adding to it @ 256pm ! plutonium?i think the periodic table talks/z shiF to deeducate anyone not just breaking badders?/z though yeah today is raining my legs are drenchedd and that though yeah thinking of ditching the library already. though yeah not sure.. OCD'd TiME STAMP: 2:06pm Monday January 8th 2024
 2:01pm Monday January 8th 2024 funnily that as my jewish cousin who was the first one i knew who had a gmail i think bday's today ! coincidence?God knowsz!